Wednesday Jun 3, All Welcome
If you will not be able to attend in person, you may contact our office to make an absentee/phone bid by calling 403-329-3101 or 1-855-PERLICH (1-855-737-5424)*** (no online bidding available at this time)
Making these arrangements ahead of time is appreciated.
Note: this sales will be broadcast online, to view go to www.perlich.auction
To make an appointment to view equipment contact Phil Boras in our office at 403-382-7710 or Brad at XM FARMS 403-330-5346
SALE LOCATED AT THE FARM: From COALDALE, AB 6.2 km East to Rg Rd 19-3, turn North and then turn right and follow Rg RD 19-3 North for 4.4 km to Twp Rd 10.0, then East for 0.5 km to Municipal Address 192053 Twp Rd 10-0
GPS:49°47.1370’N, 112°30.1660’W
Terms: Cash, Cheque and Debit
Lunch Available
Please come early as there is not a large quantity of small items.
Large items are all shedded and will be available for viewing the week before the sale.
Contact us if you have any questions 403-329-3101 or 1-855-PERLICH (1-855-737-5424)

'11 NH CX8080 SP combine
- Lot #705
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2011 NEW HOLLAND CX8080 SP combine, monitors, CAHR, 6.9L diesel engine (no DEF), hydrostatic drive, NH 790CP 15 foot pickup header, S/N:YDS036511, hopper extension, straw chopper, chaff spreader, 968 engine hours, 665 separator hours, S/N:311810012
'11 NH CX8080 SP combine

'15 HONEY BEE SP30 E19
- Lot #710
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2015 HONEY BEE SP30 E19 Grain Belt draper header, pickup reel, fore and aft control, pea auger, crop lifters, attachment for NH CX 8080 combine, c/w transport, S/N:141130GB15
'15 HONEY BEE SP30 E19

'14 NH 72C straight cut header
- Lot #715
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2014 NEW HOLLAND 72C straight cut header, 30 foot, pickup reel, crop lifters, fore and aft controls, attachment for NH CX 8080 combine, w/HORST 4wheel header transport, S/N:YEZL29007
'14 NH 72C straight cut header

'02 WESTWARD 9352 SP swather
- Lot #690
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2002 WESTWARD 9352 SP swather, CAHR, CUMMINS 3.9L diesel, hydrostatic drive, Mac Don 972 header, 21 foot, pickup reel w/fore and aft control, crop lifters, DSA, 1014 engine hours, 708 header hours, S/N:150045
'02 WESTWARD 9352 SP swather

Swath Roller
- Lot #635
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-Swath roller, 8 foot
Swath Roller

Hay Rake
- Lot #395
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-5 wheel hay rake
Hay Rake

NH 1033 Stakliner
- Lot #500
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-NEW HOLLAND 1033 Stakliner pull type bale wagon
NH 1033 Stakliner

LABTRONICS 919 moisture meter
- Lot #195
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionLABTRONICS 919 moisture meter
LABTRONICS 919 moisture meter

Hay moisture tester
- Lot #200
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionHay moisture tester
Hay moisture tester

Air drill hoses
- Lot #175
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- DescriptionReplacement hoses for air drill
Air drill hoses

Grain testing equipment
- Lot #125
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- DescriptionGrain sampling equipment
Grain testing equipment

Knife guards
- Lot #160
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- DescriptionKnife guards
Knife guards

Knife Guards
- Lot #165
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- DescriptionQuantity of Knife guards, fit Mac Don
Knife Guards

Crop guards, harrow tines
- Lot #170
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- DescriptionCrop guards, harrow tines
Crop guards, harrow tines

- Lot #340
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- DescriptionKEAR SHEAR to fit swather

Cultivator sweeps
- Lot #345
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Description1 pallet of cultivator shovels
Cultivator sweeps

Grain bin parts
- Lot #355
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- DescriptionQuantity of grain bin parts
Grain bin parts

'02 NH TJ375
- Lot #695
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Tractors
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2002 NEW HOLLAND TJ375 4WD, CAHR, 24/6 Quad transmission, 20.8R42 factory duals, 4 SCV’s, plumbed for drill, OUTBACK S3 GPS, 3369 hours, S/N:RVS001116
'02 NH TJ375

'96 AGCO ALLIS 9455
- Lot #670
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Tractors
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-1996 AGCO ALLIS 9455, CAHR, 3PTH, 540/1000 PTO, 3 hydraulic outlets, 20.8-38 duals, suitcase weights, 4070 hours, S/N:956314
'96 AGCO ALLIS 9455

'78 IHC 1086
- Lot #665
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Tractors
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-1978 IHC 1086, CAHR, 2 hydraulic outlets, 540/1000 PTO, 18.4-38 factory duals, 9970 hours, S/N:2610177U029199
'78 IHC 1086

IHC 706 RC
- Lot #660
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Tractors
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-IHC 706 RC, open station, gasoline engine, 8 speed transmission, 540/1000 PTO, hydraulics, 15.5-38 rear tires, S/N:13004 S-Y
IHC 706 RC

Outback GPS
- Lot #205
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTractor Attachments
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionOUTBACK S2 GPS system
Outback GPS

'07 NH SD440 air drill
- Lot #640
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2007 NEW HOLLAND SD440 air drill, 39 foot, single shoot, FLEXICOIL boots, GEN 59 tips, blockage monitor, S/N:PNL002324, w/NEW HOLLAND SC230 in between 2 compartment tank, extra fine, extra coarse, coarse, 2 fine wheels, GRAHAM seed treater, S/N:PNL009222, unit has done 22336 acres
'07 NH SD440 air drill

JD #235 Disc
- Lot #630
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-JOHN DEERE #235 tandem disc, 19 foot, 20 inch pans
JD #235 Disc

FLEXICOIL hydraulic harrow bar
- Lot #575
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-FLEXICOIL System 82 hydraulic harrow bar, 50 foot
FLEXICOIL hydraulic harrow bar

2 compartment seed tank
- Lot #595
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-HAUL ALL 2 compartment seed tank on skid, 16 foot, hydraulic driven augers
2 compartment seed tank

IHC 150 hoe drills
- Lot #585
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity2.00
- Description2-IHC 150 hoe drills, FA, hydraulic lift, 28 foot duplex hitch, w/drill transport
IHC 150 hoe drills

IHC 150 hoe drill
- Lot #580
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-IHC 150 hoe drill, 14 foot, hydraulic lift, FA
IHC 150 hoe drill

Harrow packer bar
- Lot #570
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-End tow harrow packer bar, 30 foot
Harrow packer bar

- Lot #610
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-COCKSHUTT 450 trailing plow, 5 bottom

- Lot #620
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-EDWARDS cultivator/rodweeder, 25 foot

Chisel cultivator, 20 foot
- Lot #625
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-Chisel cultivator, 20 foot, w/mounted tine harrows
Chisel cultivator, 20 foot

Chisel cultivator, 14 foot
- Lot #615
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionChisel cultivator, 14 foot
Chisel cultivator, 14 foot

Graham Hoeme Cultivator
- Lot #600
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionGraham Hoeme 12' cultivator
Graham Hoeme Cultivator

Victory Blade
- Lot #605
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionVictory Blade, double wing 15'
Victory Blade

Harrow drawbar
- Lot #560
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-Harrow drawbar w/diamond harrows, 30 foot
Harrow drawbar

'11 NH SP240R SP
- Lot #700
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTanks
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2011 NEW HOLLAND SP240R SP sprayer, CUMMINS 6.7L engine, air ride, 100 foot boom, 1200 gallon plastic tank, chemical mix tank, 100 gallon flush tank, 380/90R46 tires, adjustable tread width, front wheel crop dividers, RAVEN GPS, 530 engine hours, S/N:HEKY240RTBYM00177
'11 NH SP240R SP

BRANDT PT field sprayer
- Lot #565
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-BRANDT pull type field sprayer, 83 foot, 800 gallon plastic tank, 1000 PTO pump, mixing tank
BRANDT PT field sprayer

- Lot #545
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Description1-Chemhandler and hopper

Sprayer Tank
- Lot #380
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Seeding & Tillage
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionGalvanized Sprayer Tank on tandem Axle Trailer c/w PTO Pump, boom selector control
Sprayer Tank

'03 IH 9100i Truck
- Lot #675
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTrucks
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2003 IH 9100i, day cab, tandem axle, CATERPILLAR C12 engine, 10 speed, AC, tilt, cruise, power mirrors, air ride seat, air ride suspension, 11R22.5 tires, 5th wheel, 223300 kms at listing, VIN2HSCBAXR03C059961
'03 IH 9100i Truck

'08 LODE KING tandem axle
- Lot #680
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTrucks
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-2008 LODE KING tandem axle straight grain trailer, 36 foot, air suspension, 2 compartment, SRT, approximately 35000 kms on trailer, VIN:2LDHG36269F048342
'08 LODE KING tandem axle

1995 FORD F250 Supercab
- Lot #645
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTrucks
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-1995 FORD F250 Supercab, long box, 460 V8, auto, 4x4, AC, tilt, cruise, PW, PDL, power mirrors, rear air bags, trailer brake, 237755 kms at time of listing, VIN:1FTHX26G7SKB42948
1995 FORD F250 Supercab

'77 GMC 6500
- Lot #655
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTrucks
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-1977 GMC 6500 single axle, 366 V8, 5&2 speed, 1000-20 tires, NEUFELDT 15 foot steel grain box w/RENN underbody hoist, plumbed for drill fill, beet endgate, 57184 miles, VIN:TCE77V586923
'77 GMC 6500

- Lot #385
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTrucks
- Description4 wheel wagon running gear

Grain trailer hopper augers
- Lot #685
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Description2-MICHEL's hopper augers w/remote controls for grain trailer
Grain trailer hopper augers

- Lot #650
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-BRANDT 1370 mechanical swing auger, hydraulic lift, 540 PTO drive, self propelled hopper

WHEATLAND hopper bin
- Lot #390A
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionWHEATLAND hopper bins on stand, Model #705EFS, S/N:980815943
WHEATLAND hopper bin

WHEATLAND hopper bin
- Lot #390B
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionWHEATLAND hopper bin on stand, Model #705EFS SN:980615751
WHEATLAND hopper bin

- Lot #550
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-WESTFIELD J208-51 grain auger, PTO drive

Hopper bin
- Lot #305
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Description1-Westeel Roscoe hopper bin
Hopper bin

SAKUNDIAK HD8-1000 Auger
- Lot #540
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-SAKUNDIAK HD8-1000 grain auger, PTO drive
SAKUNDIAK HD8-1000 Auger

- Lot #525
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-WESTFIELD J207-36 grain auger w/KOHLER gasoline engine

- Lot #430
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-WESTFIELD 4”X10’ utility auger on stand, hydraulic drive

- Lot #555A
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-WHEATHEART transfer auger w/ metal hopper, SN:205777

- Lot #555B
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-WHEATHEART transfer auger w/ plastic hopper, SN:210018

Drag auger
- Lot #530
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Grain Handling
- DescriptionWHEATHEART hydraulic bin sweep
Drag auger

- Lot #535
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Harvest
- Quantity3.00
- DescriptionGrain Auger Hoppers

Manure spreader
- Lot #520
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-JOHN DEERE 370 single axle manure spreader, 540 PTO drive, puckboard floor, floor chain, single beater, S/N:N00370X0012
Manure spreader

Feed mixer
- Lot #505
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-JETSTREAM #10 single axle pull type feed mixer, 4 auger, 540 PTO drive, belt discharge chute, c/w scale, S/N:663
Feed mixer

Roller mill
- Lot #425
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-FARM KING 18 inch PTO drive roller mill, on cart w/unloading auger
Roller mill

HI-HOG Squeeze
- Lot #420
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-HI-HOG manual cattle squeeze w/auto headgate
HI-HOG Squeeze

Hog feeders
- Lot #405A & 405B
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity2.00
- Description2-Large round hog feeders
Hog feeders

Hog feeders
- Lot #145
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- DescriptionStainless steel hog feeders
Hog feeders

Hog feeders
- Lot #155
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- DescriptionPlastic hog feeders
Hog feeders

- Lot #185
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionChicken hatcher/incubator

Stock tank
- Lot #360
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Description1-Galvanized stock tank
Stock tank

Mineral feeder
- Lot #365
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionFree standing mineral feeder
Mineral feeder

Hog panels
- Lot #370
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- DescriptionQuantity of hog panels to make pens
Hog panels

- Lot #375
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-gate

- Lot #400
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Description1-Hog scale

Horse feeder
- Lot #410
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-Horse feeder
Horse feeder

Cattle squeeze
- Lot #415
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture Livestock Handling
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionManual cattle squeeze
Cattle squeeze

ALLIS CHALMERS 213 diesel engine
- Lot #495
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-ALLIS CHALMERS 213 diesel engine, 2 cylinder, w/18KVA, 230/460V genset, on cart w/fuel tank
ALLIS CHALMERS 213 diesel engine

Honda trash pump
- Lot #220
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionHonda 3 inch trash pump
Honda trash pump

Floating pump
- Lot #215
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionFloating pump w/hose
Floating pump

Plastic pipe
- Lot #210
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- Quantity2.00
- DescriptionRolls of 3/4 inch plastic pipe
Plastic pipe

Wheel line
- Lot #590
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
Wheel line

- Lot #180
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionPumps (parts only)

Irrigation fittings
- Lot #435
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionQuantity of irrigation fittings
Irrigation fittings

Irrigation fittings
- Lot #445
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionZ drops, pipes
Irrigation fittings

- Lot #440
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionQuantity of PVC irrigation pipe

Irrigation fittings
- Lot #450
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionIrrigation fittings, screen boxes
Irrigation fittings

- Lot #455
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionQuantity of hose

Collapsible hose
- Lot #475
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionQuantity of blue 3 inch collapsible hose
Collapsible hose

Collapsible hose
- Lot #480
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionQuantity of blue 3 inch collapsible hose
Collapsible hose

Pivot parts
- Lot #470
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionPivot tower parts
Pivot parts

Pivot tires
- Lot #465
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- Description11R22.5 pivot tires on rims
Pivot tires

Irrigation mainline
- Lot #460
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindIrrigation Equipment
- DescriptionQuantity of assorted mainline
Irrigation mainline

Plastic Tank
- Lot #485
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- Quantity1.00
- Description1200 gal plastic water tank
Plastic Tank

Gas Tanks
- Lot #300
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTanks
- Quantity3.00
- Description3-Fuel tanks w/metal stands, 500 gallon
Gas Tanks

- Lot #490
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTanks
- Description1000 gallon steel tank

Electrical panels
- Lot #190
- CategoryConsumer Items
- KindShop Equipment
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionPallet of electrical panels
Electrical panels

- Lot #100
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionHand tools

Hydraulic cylinders
- Lot #105
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
Hydraulic cylinders

Shop tools
- Lot #101
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionGrease guns, shop tools
Shop tools

- Lot #115
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionLights

Shop supplies
- Lot #120
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionShop supplies
Shop supplies

PVC fittings,tank
- Lot #130
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionPVC fittings, tank
PVC fittings,tank

- Lot #135
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionQuantity of grease tubes, lubricants on pallet

Shop supplies
- Lot #140
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
Shop supplies

Tires and rims
- Lot #310
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionImplement rims and tires, 1 pivot tire
Tires and rims

- Lot #350
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionCulverts

- Lot #315
- CategoryConsumer Items
- KindRecreational Equipment
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-HONDA XR250R dirt bike, (not running), VIN:JH2ME0620MK700064

ATV loading ramp
- Lot #150
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionATV folding loading ramp
ATV loading ramp

Model ‘L’
- Lot #515
- CategoryAntiques and Collectables
- KindEquipment
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-CASE Model ‘L’ on steel, (restoration or parts)
Model ‘L’

Dump Rake
- Lot #510
- CategoryAntiques and Collectables
- KindEquipment
- Quantity1.00
- Description1-Dump rake
Dump Rake

Wooden wagon wheels
- Lot #320
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionWooden wagon wheel running gear, antique
Wooden wagon wheels

Wagon wheels
- Lot #325
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- Description2-Antique wagon wheels
Wagon wheels

Wagon wheels
- Lot #330
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- Description2-Antique wagon wheels
Wagon wheels

Antique potato hiller
- Lot #331
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindAgriculture - Other
- DescriptionAntique potato hiller, (yard art)
Antique potato hiller

- Lot #335
- CategoryAgriculture
- KindTrucks
- Quantity1.00
- DescriptionOld wagon running gear on steel wheels